Therapy for Anxiety

Serving women in Portland, Oregon and all across Oregon & Washington

What does Anxiety look like?

Anxiety can show up in a variety of ways.

Perhaps for you it looks like difficulty holding it all together.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything you have to keep track of? Maybe you feely overly responsible for everyone.  Or you find yourself frazzled and disconnected.  

And you’re beginning to see how it’s taking over your life:

  • Difficulty staying on task at work and home

  • Doing too much but can’t slow down

  • Jaw tension and headaches

  • Waking up in the middle of the night with your mind racing

  • Can’t seem to relax or wind down at the end of the day

It may seem out of reach, but you can calm down your “busy brain.”  You can feel a sense of calm.  You can get back to yourself.  And I’ll help you get there.

Therapy for Stress and Anxiety can Help.


Take stock of the parts of you that are overworking and help them to slow down

Treatment for Anxiety


Understand issues from your past that created anxiety, and break free to focus on your future


Develop strategies to calm the worries and worst case scenarios


Find release from the relentless pressure of having to “do it all”

I’ll be right alongside you through this process, noting the progress you make and encouraging you to take the next step.  My approach to treating anxiety comes from a place of encouragement: knowing that you have the tools inside of you to find peace, you just need the right support and guidance to get there.

More Questions about how I work with anxiety and how we’ll work together? Visit my FAQs page

Tense muscles and sleepless nights don’t have to be your story.